【影片片名】:俱樂部的目的 (2016) [中文字幕]【影片譯名】:The Purpose of Clubs
【平均評價】:3.6 顆星. (豆瓣評價)
【影片大小】:1.61 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→轉制AVI-HD)
【視頻效果】:1072X600 (高清版)
【主演演員】:Kim Hee-won-IV / Yeo I-rye / Lee Joon-gyoo / Ko Chan-woo.【檔案數目】:1個AVI+18個圖片群 (種子內有圖)
【語種發音】:韓語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝.成人.劇情.情色.愛情.幽趣.性感.愛慾.挑逗.偷情.激情. 等.
【下載工具】:使用 BitComet1.40 作種上傳.
【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔)
"I want to be yours tonight..." Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them! 'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for other reasons. A hot and sexy girl appears in front of them and the three hyenas convince her to go to an overnight paragliding trip with them. Who will be the winner? This girl playing hard to get causes the three to shake and they start doing anything they need to get her to spend a night with them...。
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【內容實際截圖】:※以下係本人組合圖組, 因需經壓縮圖檔, 所以實際影片內容畫面, 比截圖更清晰優質.※